White Logo L'gros Luxe

Our  L’GROS LUXE franchises

About L’Gros Luxe

L’Gros Luxe is now the most popular neighbourhood restaurant in the greater Montreal area. Sensitive to the unique dynamics of each neighborhood he is investing in, Alex Bastide avoids uniformity, offering each time a custom-made restaurant that meets the needs of the local community. Unlike typical restaurant chains, L’Gros Luxe adapts to each neighborhood in which it operates, even modifying its menu according to customer preferences. Period chandeliers and mirrors rub shoulders with portraits of our ancestors in the unique and warm decor of each establishment. It’s hard not to feel at home, especially since the staff knows how to welcome! Friendly and attentive, all the employees, whether in the dining room, behind the bar or in the kitchen, share the owner’s eco-responsible and unifying values. His vision? To democratize luxury food thanks to its comforting and affordable menu that gives pride of place to vegetarian dishes without neglecting carnivores. Because everyone should be able to afford L’Gros Luxe!

LGL, with its resolutely innovative entrepreneurial spirit, does not hesitate to think outside the box, both in terms of its unique restaurant concept, its human resources management, and its integration and and actions with the community!L’Gros Luxe listens to its employees, allowing them to reconcile their professional and personal lives, their studies, their hobbies and their passions, and offering them a work environment conducive to the expression of their talents and creativity. L’Gros Luxe is committed to respecting differences, autonomy and proactivity.

On the lookout for culinary trends, LGL revisits and interprets great classics from various cuisines of the world to satisfy all gourmets, in an original way and for an unbeatable quality/price ratio!

Our Concept


With a unique concept in the restaurant industry, integrating the best business practices, the concern for naturalness, local, balance, goodness and beauty…, LGL aims to be a source of inspiration, information, and innovation for its employees, its customers and the community at large.

To this end, LGL disseminates knowledge and tools, establishes local partnerships, and develops various initiatives and activities so that everyone can take action for themselves and for the community, in terms of food, balanced lifestyles, and social and environmental commitment.


L’Gros Luxe aims to propose an innovative business model that aims at best practices in social and sustainable entrepreneurship, contributing to an economy, lifestyles and living together with more Balance, Harmony and Equity. To continue its growth and expansion, L’Gros Luxe shares its business model with franchisees throughout Quebec, Canada and even the United States. At the same time, we are developing our own line of products for sale in grocery stores (mayonnaise, mustard, BBQ sauce, veggie burger balls, hot sauce, etc.). The brand even shines through our clothing line, which highlights each of the neighborhoods invested by L’Gros Luxe.


Franchise Conditions

  • Franchise fee: $30,000
  • Unencumbered capital required: $3000,000 – $350,000
  • Projected build cost: $800,000 – $1 ,000,000
  • Royalty fee: 5 % of gross sales
  • National Ad Fund: 2 % of gross sales
  • Local area marketing: 1 % of gross sales

Conditions to be met by a franchisee

  • Locations across Canada
  • Trades area of minimum 50,000 population
  • Shopping centers, entertainment centers, free-standing buildings in power centers, street locations
  • 3,000 – 4,000 square feet with patio
  • Urban and suburban locations as well as downtown corridor
  • High traffic counts and ample parking
  • New builds or retro-fit

Dreaming of opening your own franchise? Discover our Nickels, La Belle et La Boeuf and many other restaurants!

BECOME A FRANCHISEE and be part of our shared success